50 Commerce Way
East Aurora, NY 14052
Phone (716) 652-8480
Fax (716) 652-8506
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Erie County
Soil and Water
Conservation District


About Us
Tree & Shrub

It is the mission of the  District to protect and promote the health, safety and general welfare of the present and future generations of Erie County residents through the conservation of soil, water, air, plant and animal resources by delivery of sound, science-based, locally-directed, technical and educational assistance.


November 2022 Lake Effect Storm Damage Fund Program

The Erie County Soil and Water Conservation District is administering the November 2022 Storm Damage Fund program on behalf of Erie County. Up to $2 million in funding for this program will be provided through Erie County 2023 Budget Balancing and appropriations and do not include any state or federal funds. The objective of the program is to indirectly provide grant funds to eligible farms and agribusinesses throughout Erie County to assist them with covering the cost of capital damages to buildings, structures, machinery, or equipment resulting from the 2022 November Storm that were not covered by Insurance or a Small Business Administration (SBA) Loan. 

Program Goals:

To help stabilize farms and agri-business in their recovery from November 2022 Storm damage to facilities, structures, equipment, machinery, and capital assets which were determined not eligible for insurance coverage, in a manner in which will preserve agricultural lands and conserve agricultural soils, and protect water quality for future generations.

To strategically invest in and strengthen our local farms and agri-businesses that were adversely impacted by the November Storm but were not eligible for full insurance coverage or federal/state loan assistance resulting from the November Storm not being declared a federal disaster.

Non-farm/agribusinesses are welcome to apply; however, their eligibility will be determined on a case-by-case basis as allowable under applicable NYS laws

Program Guidelines

Application Form



2025 Tree and Shrub Seedling Sale Pre Order Period Ended February 28, 2025

Orders are no longer being accepted.  You are welcome to visit District staff at the Market Place Building on the Hamburg Fairgrounds on April 26, 8 AM until Noon to purchase extra stock that may be available.  There is no guarantee as to species and amounts that will be available; extra stock will be sold at full price.  Please see the attached map of the Hamburg Fairgrounds for location of Market Place Building. 

Fairgrounds Map


Are you a high school student or teacher interested in the outdoors or the environment? If so,
the ERIE COUNTY ENVIROTHON is a perfect opportunity for you! To learn more about this exciting
local program that connects students with environmental professionals and gives participants a
chance to win some great prizes, click on link below! Don't miss out on this year's program -
sign up now!

Click here for information on the Envirothon





Images courtesy of USDA NRCS.


Conservation Practices

Click here for Bluebird Conservation

Windbreaks - Click here for information on how to use nature to protect natural resources



Stop by the District office for these additional items:
Bluebird and Bat Houses - Wood Duck Boxes - Field Identification Guides - Planting Spades
Topographic Maps - Backyard Conservation Kits

Gift Certificates also available in any denomination

Office Map